
Happy Easter! He is Risen!

It is almost time for Easter! Lent has begun which means we are less than 40 days from Easter. Some focus on rabbits and eggs. For me, I can say Happy Easter because He has risen. Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I wanted to tell the whole Easter story. Not just stop at the cross. Not just show the empty tomb. But, both. Both are vital to our understanding of the gospel story. The cross is where Jesus paid our debt. He took on the sins of mankind and was the final sacrifice.

But, the empty tomb makes it possible for us to trade our sin for His righteousness. We are dead in sin, but because of Easter, because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we can be alive in Christ. We trade our sin and death for Christ’s righteousness and eternal life.

That’s what Easter means to me.

step card  featuring Easter scenes of the three crosses and the tomb with a stone that rolls away.  Sentiments say "Happy Easter and "He is not here, for he has risen. Matthew 28:6"

Card Details

I have been focused on step cards lately. They are a fun was to add dimension to a scene. When I told my husband what I wanted to create for my Easter card, he thought I should make a card where to stone actually rolls away. I put him in charge of figuring out how to make that work. This is the result.

Closed step card  featuring Easter scenes of the three crosses and the tomb with a stone that rolls away.  Sentiments say "Happy Easter and "He is not here, for he has risen. Matthew 28:6"

The stone is attached to a small piece of clear window sheet with a dimensional. The window sheet lever is slipped through a slit on the very edge of the tomb. Then, a piece of dental floss (any string would work) is glued to the window sheet on the back of the largest step. The string is threaded through the front of the large step and into the back of the middle step. When the card is closed, the stone is set in front of the tomb. Then, when the steps pop open, the string pulls the window sheet to roll the stone away.

Last step with garden tomb with stone that rolls away.  Says, "He is not here.  He is risen. Matthew 28:6"

Pretty clever. I think I’m going to use my husband’s ingenuity to create moving elements for my cards more often.

This Easter card tells the story of the whole first Easter.

  • Step 1–Wishes you a Happy Easter.
  • Step 2–The three crosses
  • Step 3–The empty tomb with the stone rolled away

“He is not here. He is risen!” Matthew 28:6

Back of card.  Says "He Lives!"

Click here to see and purchase products used to create this card.

Also Used:
Crosses Dies (Retired)
Gift of Hope Stamp Set (Retired)
Wishes for All Stamp Set (Retired)

Make sure you head over to PP630 to see the inspiration cards by the design team and other creative entries.

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  1. Hallelujah! Our LORD lives, and so will we. Beautiful story, and lovely card. It’s a fantastic way to share the Easter story. ♥

  2. It’s so great to see someone focus on the real reason for resurrection Sunday. I personally don’t call it Easter… that is a pagan name… look it up.

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