Angel Stamps Covid-19 Update

It’s been longer than 3 months now that our world changed dramatically and shut down because of the COVID-19 pandemic. How are you doing? Have you been able to pivot and continue to

  • grow
  • serve
  • love
  • connect
  • create
  • experience joy
  • live your life albiet with changes?

The world definitely looks like a different place.

I don’t typically do anything just because that is what I’ve been told to do. I always spend time researching what is actually the right thing to do, weigh the pros and cons, and make a decision based on research, prayer, and my own limited experience and/or knowledge of the situation. This pandemic has been difficult because it is such an unprecedented experience with research and information changing daily, if not several times a day. It has been hard to keep up and the need to stay tuned in to media sources to gather more information has increased the amount of negativity allowed to enter my mindspace.

My decision to stay home and follow social distancing protocol was not made because that is what I was told to do. That decision was not even made because I am considered high-risk. That decision was made to protect you. Through my research and all the unknowns of this virus, it was an easy decision for me to stay home in an attempt to keep you safe and hopefully virus free.

So, staying home has not been a difficult decision for me. Wearing a mask when I do leave my house to pick up groceries or go to the doctor was never something I had to think twice about. I feel like it is my responsibility to protect you and possible extra protection for myself is an added Bonus.

You may be thinking, but if I don’t go out, how I am going to be exposed to the virus to share it with you anyway? Well, the rest of my family leave this house and go to jobs several days a week. So, who knows what they might be exposed to and what they may be bringing home to me. And then, I would be sharing with you.

What has been more difficult for me is figuring out what to do now as our state is re-opening. Do I have in person classes at my home? somewhere else? just have online classes? have a combination of both online and in person?

I do know creating and staying connected are things I want to continue to make possible. I have been trying to figure out what is the most responsible way to manage this re-opening process. Like I said, I don’t automatically do anything just because I am told to do it. So, just because I was told I could start the re-opening process, go out more, not wear my mask if I don’t want, etc, doesn’t mean that is what I”m going to do. I have been spending lots of time doing research, praying, and trying to figure out the best course of action.

I have been leaving my house more often, but still not everywhere or all the time. And, I always wear a mask and practice six feet apart physical distancing. What I have discovered is that not everyone is following those recommendations. There are many customers in stores that are not wearing masks and although most are staying distant from each other, not everyone is.

And, the number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase in our county and the one right next door that contains stores, restaurants, doctors, etc. that many people from our county frequent on a regular basis.

So, my decision about in person classes is this:

  • In person classes inside my home are still not happening
  • I will continue offering online alternatives
  • I am researching outside alternatives–however these are very weather dependent
  • As long as COVID-19 cases are increasing in Butler or Sedgwicl counties, I will not be having in-person classes

I know not everyone feels the same way or has made similar decision during this reopening phase. And, that is OK. This is such an unprecedented time in our word, everyone has to make decisions that are best for them. You do you and I will respect that. All I ask is that you return the favor and respect the decision I’ve made. It has not be rash and changes to my decision will not be spur of the moment. Please know this is how I feel I can best meet the needs of my family and keep all of you as safe as possible at the same time.

That is my decision for now, when it changes, I will let you know. In the meantime, keep following along here, on my facebook page, and join my newsletter lists to stay up to date and see some creative ideas.

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