Stronger Together
A lot of today’s advice and self-help tends to center around self-care and individuality. To become strong, happy, independent, etc. you’re supposed to focus on yourself. It’s been my experience that we’re stronger together.
Yes, work on yourself, but don’t do it alone. Accept help from those around you. And, when you focus on others and helping them, you might find yourself surprised at the benefits you experience.
One of the hard lessons I have learned in life is that I don’t know it all. 🙂 Believe it or not, there is much to learn in life, more than any of us will learn in our lifetime.
So, what do we do about that information we don’t have? We surround ourselves with others. We were created to be in relationships.
Want to learn more about the world you don’t already know (or think you know)? Don’t just surround yourself with people who look and think like you. Add some diversity to the circle of people you interact with.
As I write this, I know there are people screaming in their minds or on the other side of their computer that we need to surround ourselves with people with similar values and morals. To that I say, Yes. We do need to protect our hearts and minds by finding those who will keep us accountable to our values and morals. Again, we are stronger together than alone.
But, at the same time, we shouldn’t hide ourselves away from those who think, look, or act differently. We don’t have to change the way we think, look, or act, but we do need to be kind and welcoming. After all . . .
We are stronger together.

Card Details

This card celebrates friendship. Images of friends are stamped and colored both for the front of the card and inside. The friends are colored in a way to celebrate the diversity of humankind.
I chose friendship over love for this challenge because it is my friends that add diversity to my life.
The more diverse as individuals, the stronger we can be together.
Click here to see and purchase products used to create this card.
Also Used:
Dainty Flowers DSP (Retired Sale-A-Bration)
Rococo Rose Stampin’ Blends Duo (Retired)
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A beautiful card. Elaine