The Cutest Critter I Know

I made this card for the SUO Challenge 274–Animal Kingdom. I was, of course, drawn to make a card with the dog punch and Pampered Pet Designer Series Paper. Since the first time I saw the dog punch, I have thought of it as my dog. My service dog looks a lot like that punch.

Having my sweet dog with my throughout this pandemic to help me be independent, encourage me to exercise and enjoy the sunshine, and provide me with lots of cuddles when I need them. He is the cutest critter I know. But, he does have some competition. Check out the cute puppy photo bomber is the picture of the inside of the card.
What cute critter from the animal kingdom has helped you through this past year?
Click here to see and purchase products used to create this card.
Last Chance Products Used to Create this Card:
Dog Builder Punch NOW $10,80
Playful Pets Designer Series Paper
