
Video: 9/11 Remembrance Card

20 years ago at 9:00am ET, I was in meeting at work in New Castle, Pennsylvania with my supervisor and team member going over our therapy caseload and making treatment plans. We were in supervision and locked off from the rest of the world until lunchtime.

We emerged from the conference room and went into our Family Based Therapy office, with we share with three other teams. We were instantly met with “Have you heard?” They all started talking about the plane that had gone down in Pennsylvania and how it was on it’s way to D.C. They also mentioned the planes into the twin towers at New York, but in our office in Pennsylvania the big story was the plane that had flown over our heads and heroic passengers had helped it crash into a field in Pennsylvania before it could get to Washington D.C.

I got my purse and headed to my car to head out for my lunch break. When I started my car, the radio was telling the horrifying events of the day over and over. I started crying before I pulled out of the parking lot, then just circled the building, parked my car, went back inside to find my boss and tell her I was going home for the rest of the day. I couldn’t hold therapy sessions that day. She agreed and said I probably wouldn’t even need to use a personal day because they would probably be closing the office. They did. Much of the Eastern part of the U.S. was closed down for days.

I remember sitting on my couch at home, watching the news, checking on family and friends around the country, and wondering what kind of world I was bringing my baby into (I was 8 months pregnant with my first child).

Now we are recognizing the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. What is different? What has changed for the better? What have we learned over the past 20 years?

What have we learned about

  • hope?
  • fear?
  • courage?
  • caring for others?
  • selflessness?
  • selfishness?

Where were you when you first heard about the events of 9/11 in the U.S.?

How do they continue to impact you today?

This card is my 9/11 remembrance card. The focal point is supposed to be a fusion between the tree and an America flag. See the red, white, and blue as well as the red and white stripes and the white dots on the blue leaves which are meant to represent the stars of the flag?

Click here to see and purchase products used to create this card.

Check out the video tutorial below:

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