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Wheeliversery Thanks

This is a day of anniversaries at my house. It is the 17th anniversary of my son’s birth–or his 17th birthday. 🙂 It is also my 17th wheeliversary. I don’t know exactly what to call it, but it is the 17th anniversary of the day my wheelchair life began. We celebrated the birthday yesterday and he’s happily working away with his gifts today. So, today can be a day of reflection for my wheeliversary.

Attitude of Gratitude

I choose to make my reflections about gratitude. And as I’ve been reflecting, I’ve realized that much of what I am grateful for is directly connected to others. I am grateful for their impact in my life and how they have positively impacted the trajectory of my life and my future is brighter because of them.

Thank you card made with image of row of people standing with arms around each other.  Image is of their backs.  Wheelchair user is colored in.

Card Colors

When I saw the colors for this week CAS Colours & Sketches challenge, I knew using them on a card with a wheelchair image was perfect. After all, my wheelchair is Gorgeous Grape colored. And, I would say my two favorite 2021-2023 In Colors are Fresh Freesia and Soft Succulent. I’m not sure there could be a more perfect color combination for me. 🙂

Thank You All

When I start thinking back over the past 17 years and all who need thanked for their part in helping me adjust and thrive in my wheelchair life, I am overwhelmed. There is no way I can personally thank all of them, so hopefully they will run across this post and know how grateful I am for the part they have played in my life. If you see this and know of someone who should see it, please pass it on.

People represented by this card:

  • Stranger who came across the accident and helped until EMS arrived
  • Friends who immediately responded to our needs
  • Friends and family who helped care for my two year old
  • Husband for hard decisions and stepping into extra care giving
  • Doctors and nurses at St. Francis hospital in Tulsa
  • Therapists for myself and my son
  • My ramp building husband and dad
  • Friends and neighbors
  • Family member who have stepped in wherever and whenever needed
  • Friends who stopped to see us on their travels across the country
  • My Ms Wheelchair Kansas/America family
  • KSDS, Inc. and all those involved with raising, training, and teaching about amazing service dogs
  • Every stranger who has held a door open, gotten something down off a high shelf for me, or just offered a friendly smile and hello.
  • Old friends who still maintain a regular connection
  • New friends who have developed a connection in the last 17 years
  • All who push me to be the best me possible and continue to reach for the stars.
  • Victory in the Valley family
  • GRRRace Inkers
  • Daveda’s Stampin’ Sisters
  • The rest of my Stampin’ Up! family

Thank you to everyone who touches my life. I am thankful for you all and wouldn’t be who I am today without our interaction. My new normal began 17 years ago. We all started a new normal a little over a year ago. I am thankful I’ve had years of practice of resiliency and learning to pivot and make adaptations when necessary. I’m thankful I’ve had time to practice being successful with a new normal. If you are struggling with your new normal, contact me. I’d be happy to sit in the muck and mire with you as you figure out how to pivot and adapt to be successful in your new normal. We aren’t meant to go through any of this life alone.

Click here to see products used to create this card.

Also Used:
United Through Creativity Digital Download

Make sure to head over to CAS Colours & Sketches #422 to see the inspiration cards by the design team and other creative entries.

Also, make sure you head over to Kylie’s Interational Blog Hop and see all the amazing thank you cards created by Stampin’ Up! Demonstrators around the world. And, don’t forget to vote for your favorite.///

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  1. Wow what a very special thank you card Angel. Thanks for sharing your story and your positivity in your circumstance. And thanks for being part of my International Highlights this month! All the best with the voting.

    1. Thanks Kylie. This is a very meaningful date for me and I’m glad I could share some of the important life lessons I’ve learned in the past 17 years.

  2. Wow, what a fantastic story – thank you for sharing so much of yourself, your perspective and approach to life!
    Terrific card and a purple wheelchair – wow that rocks!
    Lesley 🇨🇦

    1. Thanks Lesley! I’m glad you agree that my purple wheelchair rocks. Now all it need is light up wheels and we’ll be really rockin’.

  3. Wow! What a card. What a story. Your stamping friends are so lucky to have you on their teem. You inspire me to do better. God bless you and your family.

  4. Thanks for telling your story!
    We really should thank for every day!
    Good luck with the voting and greetings from Germany!
    Simone (derdiedasKleine bastelt)

  5. Such a touching post Angel. You’re one amazing person who seems to take everything with a positive attitude. Thankyou for sharing this with us all this has certainly touched my heart, so, thankyou. Good luck with the voting for your very beautiful card you’re a winner to me in many ways x

    1. Thank you so much Natalie. My hope is that this card touched many hearts and helped others to give thanks. I’m glad it touched your heart.

  6. Thank you for sharing your wheeliversary with us and for the reminder of all the wonderful people we have to be grateful for 🙂 Purple is my favourite colour too! Although I don’t very often use it in card making! I love the way you have used it in your lovely card. Good luck with the voting 🙂

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