Halloween Night
What makes you think of Halloween night?
- Trick or treating
- Costumes
- Candy
- Jack o’ lanterns
- ghosts
- dark woods
- black cats
- bats
- monsters
- scary movies
What else makes you think of Halloween night?

Card Details
This card shows trick or treaters making their way through the dark woods with lots of ghosts and jack o’ lanterns along their way.

Some of the jack o’ lanterns are colored with a marker along with the light being carried by the child at the front of the line. At least he has light to shine their way.
What do you think, is the child at the back of the line running to catch up? Do you think he is scared?
Click here to see and purchase products used to create this card.
More Halloween Cards
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Host code for
March 1-31 is 9VNUSEAR |