Party with a Bear
Happy Party with a Bear Day!! Grab those teddy bears from around your house–in your bedroom, your attic, your kid’s bedrooms, the basement, living room, sister’s bedroom, basement, dog toy basket. brother’s bedroom, wherever you find them around your house and set up a party with your bears. Make whatever snacks you love, set the table, turn on your favorite music and get ready to party.
Ironically, the Paper Pumpkin kit of the month also celebrates with bears.

The timing of the “Beary Comforting” Paper Pumpkin kit couldn’t be more prefect. #HaveaPartywithYourBearDay is today November 16, 2020. Comforting bears are perfect for all of us right now too.
Stampin’ Up! says, “December’s cute and cuddly Paper Pumpkin kit—called “Beary Comforting”—is designed to uplift your loved ones as this beary tough year finally comes to a close. After a year like 2020, we all could use a big bear hug! With the help of this bear-themed kit, you can create 12 unbearably cute cards featuring warm and fuzzy friends, sweet stamps, and meaningful messages. Near or far, send your friends and family the extra comfort, love, and encouragement they need with this month’s Paper Pumpkin kit!”

The December “Beary Comforting” kit contains product to create twelve
4 1/4″ x 5 1//2″ and matching envelopes.
Sign up by December 10 to receive the “Beary Comforting” kit.
Make sure you #HaveaPartywithYourBearDay today.

/If your order is under $150 please use the host code above and I will send you host rewards worth 10% of your order (before tax and shipping). If you order is over $150, DO NOT use the host code so you can choose your own host rewards and they will ship directly to you with your order.