
Through the Haze

Are there moments in your life you know there are gorgeous, vibrant colors out there, but it’s like you are seeing through a haze–either figuratively or literally? Well, this card it meant to represent that. The gorgeous colors of autumn are out there, but are covered by a haze. Or in this case, vellum.

Some of the vellum even obscures the beautiful leaves even further, by a layer of color added to the vellum with blending brushes. No matter how hard you look, even if you squint, you can’t quite see the colors in the fullness of their autumnal glory.

The inside of the card shows the tree in all it’s glory clearly. It inspires me and this card is for someone who truly inspires you.

Who would you give it to?

Click here to see and purchase products used to create this card.

Make sure you head over to PCC441 to see inspiration cards by the design team and other creative entries.

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January 1-31 is UWMZBMVY

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  1. Truly breathtaking. I love the hazy look in front of the rich colors! What a card design. If I were to give this to someone, it would probably go to a dear friend after a few months of losing a loved one. That’s when most people have moved on and forget that people are still hurting. They don’t expect many more cards and this would warm their heart.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I think a few months after losing a loved one is the perfect time to send a card like this. I also think after cancer treatment is completed is another time people would appreciate a card recognizing they are still seeing life through a haze.

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