Where Do I Start?

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at card making, but have no idea where to even begin?  You don’t even know what to get out and have at your table to work with.  You walk into a store and start down the paper crafting aisle and then immediately get overwhelmed and can’t even catch your breath?  So, you hurry up and get out of that aisle as fast as you can so you can finally breathe again?  Instead of inspire you, does the sheer mass of options paralyze you?

You’re not alone. 

Do the words die cutting, heat embossing, fun fold confuse you?  Have you always thought of a card as a single layer piece of paper folded in half with a picture on the front and words on the inside?  Well, I have good news.  That is all you need to create a card. 

Can it be fancier?  YES
Does it have to be?  NO
Is it less beautiful and meaningful if it is simple?  NO

So, what do you need to start?

  • White paper
  • Something to cut with (scissors, paper trimmer)
  • Black Ink
  • Stamps
  • Stamp Block
  • Envelopes

When you’re ready you can add . . .

  • Colored Paper
  • Other Ink Colors
  • Other ways to add color (markers, colored pencils, etc)
  • Glue or tape runner

Want to make it even easier? 

Try a kit.  Find one that has everything you need to get started.  The Kit Collection from Stampin’ Up!® are all inclusive and have everything you need to make the project in the kit including a Stamp Block.

Stampin’ Up!® has done a great job simplifying this process for you.  They have a section in their online store called “Getting Started.”  By going here, you can find all the Crafting Basics you need, the Kit Collection, and even a section called Stamps, Ink, Paper where you can find the stamps they recommend for beginners.  Don’t love any of those?  Let me know and I can help you find something else.  Or shop on your own browsing the stamps section of the online catalog.

Now you know what you need to get started.  Look around your house and see if maybe you have those things hiding in a closet or junk drawer.  If not, go shopping and get started creating.  I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

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