20 Things I’m Doing During My Stay at Home Order that I Hope I Keep Doing After It’s Lifted
I finally left my neighborhood for the first time in about a month. I went from the front door to the van, my daughter drove to the grocery store, we parked in the pick up area and opened the hatch of the van, they loaded our groceries and closed the hatch, we went through fast food drive through to pick up dinner, drove back home and went inside.
What about you? Have you been outside of your neighborhoods? Do you have essential jobs and have to leave the safety of your home on a regular basis? Have you mostly stayed home and only rarely gone out for essential supplies? How did you feel going out?
When the discussion began about reopening states in a 3 phase plan, I began doing some evaluation of the changes in life for the last several weeks. What changes have happened that I hope to keep as part of my “new normal?” What good is happening that I want to make sure to keep as part of my life?
Here is a list of things that have been happening during physical distancing that I’d like to keep as part of my life.

- Organizing and unpacking my house and office
- Sorting through all cards I have created.
- Creating new cards and other papercrafting projects.
- Mailing cards I’ve created or gotten through swaps
- Staying up to date on holiday and birthday cards.
- Working through Living Well Academy class (videos and homework assignments)
- Using grocery store pick up or delivery services
- Having pharmacy mail prescription refills
- Spending outside time on deck with extra play time for Clifford
- Getting fresh produce and other groceries delivered to my door from Imperfect Food
- Cooking fresh, homemade meals with my kiddos.
- Managing household jobs schedule for all family members
- Planning and scheduling ahead
- Watching Broadways shows (online for now)
- Watching movies (love that it can happen from my recliner right now)
- Daily time spent doing inspirational reading
- Continued learning through reading, webinars, online classes, etc.
- Checking in on each other through phone calls, emails, etc.
- Waving at neighbors
- Zoom meetings for work, friends, connecting around the world

all produce from Imperfect Foods
Some of these things were already part of my life before this global pandemic has changed our world. Some of them are new. Some of them have just increased in frequency and importance, but I hope all of them stick around after our stay at home orders are lifted.

/If your order is under $150 please use the host code above and I will send you host rewards worth 10% of your order (before tax and shipping). If you order is over $150, DO NOT use the host code so you can choose your own host rewards and they will ship directly to you with your order.

Click here to see products used to create Easter cards shown above.