Happy World Orphans Day–Stampin’ Up! Making a Difference.

During the 2020 August – December Mini Catalog sales period (including preorder), purchase and sell the Coming Home Stamp Set 153500 to help make a difference in the lives of those you care about. We will donate $3 per set sold to the following infertility, adoption, and foster care organizations:
- Australia – Adopt Change
- Canada – Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
- Europe – Albert-Schweitzer-Kinderdörfern und Familienwerken
- Japan – Wa-No-Kai
- New Zealand – Homes of Hope
- United Kingdom – Fertility Network UK
- United States – Hope for Fertility Foundation and Comfort Cases

World Orphan Day seemed like the perfect time to talk about the Making a Difference Stamp Set this year. The Coming Home Stamp Set is a great stamp set to create a scene of a home and community. Perfect to represent families. Every purchase of the The Coming Home Stamp Set donates $3 to infertility, adoption, and foster care agencies.

If you are a currently a foster parent, have adopted children or are in the middle of the adoption process, I celebrate you. Take today and celebrate those orphans in your life and the the family you have created with them.
If you know families who are helping provide home and security and love for orphans celebrate them.
If you would like to make a difference with an organization helping build families, Stampin’ Up! will donate $3 of every sale of the Coming Home stamp set to organizations that help build families. You could buy the stamp set for yourself and/or one for a family you know.
Happy World Orphan Day!!!

Somehow time has been harder for me this year and I totally forgot to have my annual Birthday week special , Sorry for the lateness, but since I forgot, you get the reward.
Because we’re looking at the second week of November, I am offering TWO specials. Both offers good through Saturday, November 14.
- Double Punch–.If you place an order in my online store, you earn double punches on your orders in $50 increments. $50–2 punches $100 = four punches, etc.
- 50% OFF all retired products at angelstamps.net. All products are first come first serve. Please send me an email at angel@angelstamps.net and let me know what you would like. I will let you know if you are the first to request it or not. I will wait until the end of the week and will be sending PayPal invoices after the sale ends with all your items combined plus shipping. Shipping will be in a priority mail flat rate box (size determined by amount of product purchased). Porch pick up can be arranged for local sales. Your retired product will then be shipped when your invoice is paid.

/If your order is under $150 please use the host code above and I will send you host rewards worth 10% of your order (before tax and shipping). If you order is over $150, DO NOT use the host code so you can choose your own host rewards and they will ship directly to you with your order.